Happy 2014! My transition into the new year pretty much summed up 2013, all of a sudden I looked at the clock and realized it was a new year. Sounds about right, 2013 seemed to fly by, so I guess the fact that I missed the big count down is very fitting.
This year we didn't plan any vacations like we normally do during our time off, instead we decided to hoard any vacation and sick time we had in prep for when the baby comes. I spent the last two weeks taking the house piece by piece organizing and cleaning. I haven't done that since we moved in so it felt pretty good to get rid of stuff we haven't missed since the move and finally put everything in it's place.
A big focus was getting started on the nursery! Since the move the room has basically been storage space, so we started off by moving everything out.
The crib arrives next week, but we were able to bring in
the dresser, which will double as our changing table. Since I was starting to get the accessorizing itch, I ran over to HomeGoods and found a new lamp, but was most excited about
these whale bookends I found tucked away in the back of Pottery Barn! Perfect for all the Dr. Seuss books I've been collecting since we found out we were pregnant...
Jack has officially found his spot (
hello Sheldon!) right in the middle of the room. So the entire process revolved around not stepping on the napping golden retriever. Right now the room is basically just the dresser, but once we get more in there I'll post more about our progress!
On another fun note, I cut my hair! While sitting on the sofa waiting for my hair appointment surrounded by the sound of hair dryers and the local gossip I was going through Pinterest and landed on these two photos:
Cut 1 and
Cut 2. With wide eyes and a big smile I sat in the chair once it was my turn, looked at my hair stylist, and said, "Forget the trim, we're doing this today!". I admit, the waiting area of the hair salon is probably not the best place to decide to chop off your hair, but it felt really good. I'm still getting used to the styling part since with my long hair I didn't really do much, but I'm really loving the change...

Overall the transition into 2014 was a pretty nice and relaxing one. Nothing like a good stay-cation at home! I'm really excited to see what 2014 has in store, especially with the little one arriving I have a feeling it's going to be quite a whirlwind. In the last few weeks I've definitely "popped" in the belly department. We took this photo on Sunday and I was amazed how much the bump has grown...
However now that I'm getting bigger, the word "uncomfortable" doesn't really sum up the overall experience. I've been reading up a lot about what to start expecting at this stage, and it's always so awesome to read the experiences of other women who are feeling or did feel the same things I'm experiencing during their pregnancies! Solidarity people!
Here's to wishing you all a WONDERFUL 2014! May it bring everything you hoped for an more. Let's get this party started!