Thursday, May 29, 2008

Ahhhhh! Bravo!

If you were to look at our TiVo you would find a little bit of everything. Shows that range from the fashionista "America's Next Top Model" to Sci-Fi's "Battlestar Gallactica", but one thing that my husband and I love, are travel shows. Usually we watch shows like "Bizarre Foods with Andrew Zimmerman" or "No Reservations with Anthony Bourdain" mainly because they cross our love of travel with our love of food. Thanks to these shows, we have made a list of places we must visit before we "bite the big one", places like Greece, Japan, Norway, and France.

However today while reading through Edi's Files, I fell in love with a beautiful town in Italy that I had never heard of before, and mainly the rustic hotel that resides there, the Hotel Masseria Torre Coccaro in Savelletri, Italy. I googled as much as I could for pictures of this magical place and loved everything I saw, this place is definitely going on the list!