Wednesday, February 11, 2009


Last week on our little IKEA hunting expedition for frames and bookcases, Mango and I found this charming print of Amsterdam for our home office. The whole image is black and white with the exception of the bicycle in the middle which is bright red. It looks really cool on the wall where the desk is, definetly one of my favorite pieces in the house.

Fast forward to the home office bathroom, which I recently painted black. Yes, black! Pictures are on the way, I promise, but I can say that it looks pretty darn cool if I do say so myself. After staring at the finished room for a while, I realized that the accessories need a little "tweaking". This is what the wall in the bathroom looked like before I painted it:

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When the wall was white, I had 4 frames on the wall with a different green plant in each. The background is a tan color, which matched perfectly with some of the other tan accessories in the room. However, now I'm feeling some artwork in those frames. Something a little brighter against the dark backdrop.

While staring at the IKEA picture, I had an epiphany and decided to use the red bicycle as my inspiration! I've always loved the look of vintage bicycles, perhaps a collection of 4 different vintage bicyle prints would look pretty on a white background? I've already been looking for prints and I'm afraid the search has been futile. So I've decided to make them myself. Time to dig out the old art set and create my own art. In my Google search I've found these 4 bicylces that I'm hoping to recreate:

Wish me lots of happy drawing dust!