Tuesday, March 10, 2009


As promised, I'm spilling the beans on what I've been working on in terms of jump starting another chapter in my life career wise. As of yesterday, I am officially an M.B.A candidate! I registered for my first group of classes and am on my way to getting my M.B.A. I start in April, so I have a little bit of time to wrap my head around being a student again, but in the end this will be a good thing for me. After much angst and deliberation about what I should do, I decided it was time to stop procrastinating and take the leap. Wish me lots of happy school dust! I'm gonna need it!

Image via A Cup of Jo


Jackie said...

Yeah, congrats! Huge step that will result in a huge accomplishment. Best of luck!

Immortal Beloved said...

Yea for you!

Jen said...

Congrats!!! It will be so worth it in the end!