Wednesday, August 25, 2010

A Cup of Tea

This August has held up to its reputation as being the rainiest month of the year in South Florida. So the hubs and I have been enjoying the rainy weekend days at home with our pj's, a good book, and hot tea. There's nothing like cup of hot tea to make you feel cozy. Lately I just can't seem to get enough of this green tea from Teavana. Instead of drinking coffee, I've tried switching to green tea for the health benefits. My husband drinks his favorite Strawberry Kiwi herbal tea because of the vitamin C and flavor... he says my green tea tastes like grass. Oh well.However, if there is one thing we can both agree on, it's that tea always tastes better with honey. Oh yeah, there's nothing like a bit of honey to make a cup of tea that much better... So what's your favorite tea? I'd love to try new flavors, in fact our tea collection is slowly growing. Do you love green, black, white? Flavored?
I'd love to know!

Images via We Heart It


Connie @ SogniESorrisi said...

Unfortunately I'm not a tea person at all. I've tried, but I just can't get into it.