Loved the second book, it was a nail biter from the beginning. Awesome twists and turns along the way and a lot of instances that had me at the edge of my seat. This book reveals a lot more about Lisbeth's past and explains her immediate distrust of everyone around her. Larsson also explored other characters that made appearances in the first book and introduced some new ones, like the illusive Zala. I'm currently reading the third and last book of the series, which immediately starts where the last one ended, thereby ending my initial hissy fit about the 2nd book's ending ;-)
What did you think about the second book?
I hope they can piece enough of his manuscripts together to create a 4th book!
I absolutely love this series. I read the first 2 last Summer (loved both), then heard that the last one was available in Europe so I ordered it from amazon.uk so I didn't have to wait until this year :)
I am really looking forward to the movie. Daniel Craig will be amazing.
I liked the second one but I think the first one was better. I'm half way through the third one and I am def. wondering how it will end.
My FIL is letting me borrow the series and I can't wait to start!
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