Monday, January 5, 2009

New Year = Goals

So, it's a brand new year, which means the beginning of new happenings! It's the very moment to try new things...something I am all about. Okay, so here are my goals for the new year:

1. Save, Save, Save!
With this housing market, Mango and I have decided to start saving a little more every month than we already were with the goal of one day purchasing our first house. Right now we live in a town home, and although it's become our home, we are aching for something that doesn't share walls with a neighbor and a backyard.
2. Get Healthy
The holiday season put a serious damper on our weight loss will power around my dad-in-law's mac & cheese. Starting today, we are getting back on our Weight Watchers plan and this time we have a goal of exercising at least 30 minutes 3 times a week.
3. Organization
This one will take a little while, mainly because it's something that we need to do little by little. Since it's a new year, it's time to clean out old paperwork from the home office...which reminds me, I need to by a shredder. Mango's comment last night about how packed the closet is reminded me that it's time to weed out clothing that we no longer wear and create more space. Thanks to Hyper Homemaker's tip, I'm going to try to make a run through the house every night and make sure that it is clutter free, it should make cleaning a whole lot easier.
4. Friends
Since it was our first year of marriage, Mango and I became hermits, basically wanting to spend all of our time at home, just the two of us. Now it is time to walk out, blink at the sunlight, and start getting back into the social circle.
5. Our Home
Although we're going to start saving with a ferocity for a new home, we do know that it will take a while, and in the end, we need to make our current home as nice as possible for when it comes time to start selling. As it is, we really love how the townhouse is shaping up, slowly becoming more and more a part of us. This year, we hope to make some more improvements to the house.
6. My personal goal: School
It's time for me to finally make a decision as to my next move regarding my education. I know I need to go back, and it's time to get on the task of taking my entrance exams to grad school and start applying.

So, what are all of your goals for the year?


Courtney said...

Great goals and best of luck with '09!

Sarah Ring said...

These are great! I hope you accomplish all of your dreams for the new year!