Thursday, July 31, 2008

The magic of totes and trays

Last night I finally got around to organizing under Mango's sink. It's amazing how much stuff men accumulate! Granted, I have a pretty packed arsenal of toiletries myself, but since I see him use about 4 things on a daily basis, I guess I just didn't expect it. So yesterday I my way home from work I stopped at the ever trusty Bed Bath and Beyond for supplies. I went there for 2 reasons: (1) it's right across the street, and (2) I have a huge stack of 20% off coupons at home (which you can use per each individual item!). I bee-lined to the organization department and spent 15 minutes staring at totes. After taking a mental picture of what he had under there and realizing that my husband is the type of person that likes to "see" everything, I bought two of these at $9.99 each:
For the taller stuff, I bought him one of these small totes in green:I still needed something to hold the really small stuff so that they didn't get lost in those bins, while walking past the kitchen department I found some metal trays and thought they were perfect...and very manly (insert chuckle here). Here is the final product:
Except for that ugly pipe, it came pretty good. Once I was finished, I proceeded to bring my husband over for the unveiling. After a big hug and a kiss, and a thank you for him finally being able to "see" his stuff, he proceeded sit there and rearrange everything according to his


Anonymous said...

OMG where did you get that graphic?! I love it! A graphing calculator and an apron. I think I'm going to have to steal/save it for later.

Mango Gal said...

LOL It's cute isn't it? I googled the word "Homemaker" and it came up. It's from this site: